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BOM Elections

This article contains information for members considering nomination for election to the NAACE Board of Management from January 2024.

The Board of Management

NAACE is registered as a charity and has a Board of Management to look after its affairs. They are responsible to the Charity Commissioners and to members of the Association. There are up to nine Board Members elected from the membership and they each serve normally for a term of four years (Subject to the Rules).

Apart from the AGM, the Board meets a minimum of three times a year although the Board usually agrees to meet more frequently, usually once per month. The most recent meeting was in November 2023 and the date of the next meeting will be in December 2023. The Board of Management do meet face-to-face, but meetings are also held online to reduce overheads.

Attendance at meetings is an important obligation, and the Articles of the Association state that if a Board member does not attend for six months, their place is vacated.

The Board deals with strategic business and is responsible for the activity of the association. The Board is responsible for the finance of the Association, it sets direction and plans for the future. In order to protect Board members, NAACE takes out financial indemnity insurance to cover them when acting in their role. The Board monitors progress and liaises with those commissioned to undertake activity.

The Articles and Memorandum of the Association, in line with Charity Commission rules, does not allow Board members to receive any payment for their services except where exceptional circumstances apply. All activity is therefore on a voluntary basis, although out-of-pocket expenses are allowed, including the costs of attending meetings. Members of the Board are offered subsidised places at NAACE events if possible and potentially at other relevant events where they are representing Naace. Finally, Charity regulations also mean that Board members must submit to a degree of scrutiny. It is illegal, for example, for a Board member to have been a bankrupt or guilty of an offence that brings their honesty into question. All members of the Board are asked to maintain and sign a register of interests annually and a code of practice in order that they may avoid any potential conflict of interest and are expected to withdraw from meetings where agenda items may lead to a challenge to their integrity in a given area.

The Charity Commission provides extensive guidance for Trustees here. A copy of 'The Essential Trustee – what you need to know' is also provided via the link here. All this might seem a bit daunting, but there are many positive benefits to being a Board member. To see who is currently serving on the Board – see here for some details. Should you also wish to discuss the implications of being a Board member in more detail before nomination, then please get in contact with Gavin Hawkins, Chair of the Board, via email –, who will be happy to talk things through with you in confidence.

Procedure for nominations

There are four vacancies to be filled on the Board of Management from January 2024.

Any current Advocate, School or Fellow member can stand if proposed and seconded by two other current Advocate, School or Fellow members of the Association.

What to do next

If you are interested in standing for the Board of Management you should download and complete the nomination form below and submit it to, by noon on Wednesday 20th December 2023. Remember that both a proposer and a seconder are required, and the document must be signed by all concerned.

To encourage candidates to engage, scanned copies from candidate, proposer and seconder will be accepted if emailed to by the deadline.

In addition, a supporting statement of not more than 400 words outlining your experience, current activity and interest in representing members, plus photograph (jpeg or gif) should be emailed to before noon on Wednesday 20th December 2023.

If necessary, a ballot will take place online between 6.00pm on Wednesday 20th December 2023 and 6.00pm and Wednesday 10th January 2024 with the results being announced on the Naace website on Thursday 11th January 2024 and confirmed on Monday 5th February 2024 at the AGM - further details of this to follow.

Bom Member Nomination Paper 2023